Robyn Spencer

Robyn Spencer

Wooden tool with split end holding a pair of gold threads

Medieval Goldworker’s Broche

This medieval tool for laying goldwork has fallen out of use, but is surprisingly effective at holding the metal threads neatly, while they are couched down. Several years ago, I did a lot of research on the tools of the…

Front of a red felt hat with gold jewel brooch and gold cord hatband

1460s Flemish Man’s Hat

A taller felt hat for a northern European noble man of the mid 15th century, based on two related Flemish manuscripts. I was teaching a class on ‘Making a Hat Block‘ and needed a hat subject to demonstrate how to…

Section of brocade goller with fur lining

1520s Fur-lined Damastgoller

A rich vest style Goller of silk brocade lined with fur, suitable for a well-off merchant’s wife in early 16th century Germany. I’ve had this one on my wish list since I made the Schlappe (hat) from the same portrait…

Corner of a felt hat with a cord ending in many tassels

15th century Galero (hat)

Originally a pilgrim’s hat seen in many colours, the galero developed into the red hat worn by church cardinals. This hat was requested by my friend Maelgwyn (Graham Crawford) to go with an embroidery project he has been working on…

Black foam head wearing a white fur cap with side folds

1540s Tudor Lettice Cap

A Lettice cap for a well-to-do Tudor lady. This distinctive fur cap was high English fashion in the first half of the sixteenth century. Imogen won the Hat Prize (again!) and requested a lettice cap – specifically, the one depicted…