

With a couple of exceptions, the images on this site are:

  • Images from online sources, used under Creative Commons licence and linked back to the source;
  • Photographs taken by me in museums and galleries, or while working on projects; and
  • Photos taken by other people, used with permission and attributed wherever possible (if you have additional attributions, please let me know).

I have include a few pictures from out-of-print books, duly referenced.

Books & articles

Sources are cited in each article or project, and linked back to this page for efficiency:

Alcega J de (1979) Tailor’s Pattern Book 1589 Facsimile (Pain J & Bainton C trans), Ruth Bean, Bedford UK

Ambuter C (1982) The Open Canvas Workman Publishing, NY

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Ellis M (2001) Embroiders and Samplers from Islamic Egypt, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Evans, SJ (1988) Counted Thread Patterns from Nicolo Zoppino’s Universali (The Universals) 1537, Self published

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García Serrano R (2015) La Moda Española en el Siglo de Oro, Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes : Fundación de Cultura y Deporte, Toledo

Gardinier J (ed) (2005) Before the Mast: Life and Death Aboard the Mary Rose, The Mary Rose Trust, Portsmouth

Geddes E & McNeill M (1976) Blackwork Embroidery, Dover Publications, NY

Geisberg M (1974) The German Single Leaf Woodcut 1500-1550, Hacker Art Books Inc, New York

Goodman R (2015) How to Be a Tudor: A Dawn-to-Dusk Guide to Everyday Life, Viking Press, NY

Gostelow M (1976) Blackwork, B T Batsford Ltd, London

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Staniland K (1991) Medieval Craftsmen: Embroiderers, British Museum Press, London

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Synge L (1982) Antique Needlework, Blandford Press, Dorset

The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Ed (1987), Oxford University Press

Theophilus (1979) On Divers Arts: The Foremost Medieval Treatise on Painting, Glassmaking and Metalwork (Hawthorne JG & Smith CS trans), Dover Publications, NY

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Online sources

So many museums and galleries are digitising their collections and making them available online – such a treasure trove of resources! I have also referenced articles from personal websites.

Sources are cited in each article or project and linked back to the specific website article or item in the online collection, using permalinks where available.