Robyn Spencer

Robyn Spencer

Man's torso, viewed from the back, wearing a 16th century German gown with pleated skirt

1520s Red Wool Waffenrock

An early 16th century Waffenrock (surcoat) in red and white wool, inspired by a Holbein painting. I made this as part of a group effort to get a nice outfit together for my friend Aongus on short notice. Although this…

Edge of a table showing painted decoration with ivy leaves and heraldic shields

15th century Painted Tables

A pair of folding tables, painted in the style of existing late medieval tables from Germany. We needed better tables for eating our medieval feasts. Friends of ours, Leonie and Damian, had made a lovely painted set, based on the…

Glass beaker painted with a coat of arms

16th century Painted Glassware

Painted beakers in the style of 16th century enamelled glassware. I had admired these enamelled glasses in museums for years, taking endless pictures. I thought it would be fun to paint some in this style, but finding suitable glassware was…

White linen cap with ornate black embroidery in a rolling leaf pattern

1520s Embroidered Steuchlein

Another embroidered Steuchlein for my early 16th century German wardrobe. I was pleased with my first attempt at this style, but I wanted to make another, with more elaborate embroidery. Research and Design Decorated headwear is associated with Burgher (middle…

Top portion of a double-apron, with fine smocking and shoulder straps

16th century German Doppelschürze

A practical double apron, typical of those worn by the lower classes in early-mid 16th century Germany. Although many people refer to the Doppelschürze as a ‘midwife’s apron’ it was actually used to protect Bauer women’s clothing for all kinds…

Feet in woollen hose, with a gusset under the ankle

Short Hose – 16th century

A pair of cloth-cut hose, suitable for a 16th century woman in western Europe, or for 16th century men as netherstockings. I made my first pair of hose in 2006, to replace the modern long socks I’d been wearing with…