Robyn Spencer

Robyn Spencer

Torso of a woman wearing a green silk German gown, with very large sleeves, decorated with bows

1520s German Green Silk Rock

An upper class German woman’s gown from the early 16th century, in green silk and hand-printed ‘brocade’. After making a couple of Cranach-style gowns in red velvet and black velvet, I wanted something from the same time period, but with…

Painting in mediveal style of letters KSCA with ornate foliage

14th century Czech Document

This piece is based on the massive Wenceslas Bible, made in Prague in the 1390s. I made this piece for my friend Torold (known as Torg), to celebrate his martial prowess as a Knight in the SCA Kingdom of Lochac.…

Top of a medallion in black with a gold lily

Regalia Miscellany

A collection of designs for various items of SCA regalia. In addition from the larger pieces of SCA regalia (such as Crowns, Fealty collars, Chains of Estate and Cloaks), I have a designed a number of random items for use…